Back by popular demand!
So I know, I's been awhile. I have been getting complaints from all over the world from Iowa to Massachusetts to Texas to Switzerland that I haven't been keeping my readers updated with what the heck is going on in the life of Alison. So after a short break, I'm back and long winded as ever! Hope you enjoy the following exceedingly long blog entry, filled with juicy details and frightening tails. And I will try better in the future to be consistent with my posts. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
I should warn my readers that I was in a very sarcastic mood when writing this blog post, and have included a few profanities (oops, sorry mom).
My Peace Corps Service in Numbers...Number of:
Pounds I have lost: somewhere between 10 and fluxuates depending on (1) if I have been sick or not (currently there's a party going on in my stomach hosted by my dear friends, the amoebas - that's a parasite for all you that don't have a clue) and (2) whether I have access to McDonald's and PizzaHut or not. These fabulous fast food restaurants, sadly, are only available in that distant land I like to call Managua, aka the capital city. thus I have a hard time maintaining my fat deposits.
Bugs that have threatened my life and nearly made me shit my pants: 2. The first one was a giant scorpion that I came across on top of a pile of dirty laundry I had next to my bed. It was the size of my palm and wanted to kill me, I am convinced. How do I know this, well because after I dumped almost an entire can of Raid on the little bastard he continued to charge right for me with his stinger lunging at me about three times a second. I eventually won the battle, but have not been the same next week's blog to find out how.
The second bug I have not recovered from was a giant (and I do mean giant) spider. This I found inside my mosquito net which covers my bed hanging just above my head. I was reading a letter lying in my bed, calm and relaxed, trying not to think about the scorpion I had found the week before, when I glanced up to see an arachnid the size of a tarantula hanging above me about 2.5 feet away. Yes folks, Alison did panic this time. This thing looked like something we only find in pet stores. I actually considered trying to capture it and sell it on the black market as a circus pet, but decided it would be best to kill the son of a bitch before it could breed any more demons like it, or worse attack me. Let's just say killing it was a thrill, but not the kind I would like to ever have again in my life.
New noteworthy hobbies I have acquired: 1. And it's called riding in the back of a truck, holding on for dear life while travelling up and down dirt and stone mountain roads in the presence of pure beauty...the mountains are absolutely gorgeous...I find it very difficult to describe just how gorgeous they are, but just know, there's fabulous. Sometimes I feel like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music singing the Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music. Other times I feel like I am on the roller coaster ride of my life. I practice my new hobby 2-3 times a week usually when we travel to distant mountain communities to give workshops on sexual and reproductive health. let me tell you my new hobby is 110% fun and adventure. I am often reminded of how a dog looks with his head out of a car window, tongue hanging out, with a face of absolute content and thrill, when I imagine the expression my face makes while practicing my new hobby.
Hot boyfriends that I adore: 1. Yes folks, Alison has a boyfriend. His name is Donald and he is 100% SomoteƱo (Somoto is the city I live in), though he works a good portion of the year in Panama coordinating the logistics of a shipping and trade company his cousin owns. He is a fabulous and passionate dancer and I must say quite the intellect (He's definitely smarter than me, and I'm pretty furious about that....j/k). He comes from a very loving and kind family that takes good care of me and keeps me company while he is gone at work...We started dating at the beginning of May and I must say he makes me very happy. We have so much in common and I really think we compliment eachother well. In fact we were born just 5 days apart (he April 2nd, me the 7th of 83). As soon as I finally download my pics, I am going to post one of us.
Communities I work in: 24. Even though I live in Somoto, my work requires me to travel all over the state and I work in a total of 24 towns or pueblos each month giving workshops to teens. The kids range from age 11-22 and they are fantastic to work with.
TV commercials I have organized the production of: 1, and there will be 2 more in the future months. In addition to a weekly teen radio show I co-direct, the project requires that we produce commericals about health topics related to teens. Yesterday a team of professional TV producers (writer, director, casting crew, etc) came to Somoto to give an acting workshop I organized and tape a commercial with the kids on teen pregnancy. It was quite amazing to participate...the NGO Puntos de Encuentro was the production team and they are world renound for their media communication productions. We are currently thinking about producing a radionovela in the next year, which could be a huge project, but quite an interesting experience to participate in, should it go through. I'm starting to realize I really like working with health communications and maybe want to focus my Public Health degree in that (yes I am still planning on doing med school for sure :) So far my Nica experience has made me want to be a doctor even more!) There's nothing like doing a double degree! I also realize I really like working with sexual and reproductive health...who knows, OB/GYN could be my future :)
ok so I am running out of time and money...this isn't going to be as long as I hoped...but next week I plan on posting another entry entitled "a day in the life of" in which I walk you through the ins and outs of my experience, the ups the downs, the suprises, the thrills, the things that make me smile, and the things that make me learn. So keep an eye out folks...hasta pronto.
Hi Ali,
Well, it's about time! Even tho I knew about your bug encounters, it was still scary to read your diary entry. Please come home - now. No one will know. It will be just our secret, ok? Darn, I knew I couldn't convince you. But if you change your mind, the door's open, the flight can be arranged, the welcome party is ready! Take care, my sweet child, I do so miss you. Love, Mum
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