Thursday, January 12, 2006

Estoy aqui!

Hello all! I have arrived safe and sound in Nicaragua. I have been going through orientation and some basic training the past couple of days. I also met with the medical staff and got a rabies shot (ouch!). I will be in Granada until Saturday and then will be moving in with my training period host family for 3 months. Nicaragua so far has been great. The country, though very poor, is full of life and beauty. I can't wait to see all of the amazing and unique sites and to get started working in my community. Nicaraguans are very very kind and so far I am really enjoying to get to know them and my fellow trainees (there are 20 others in my group). The food here is pretty tasty. I've had chicken on skewers, gallo pinto (beans and rice), steak, a yummy Nicaraguan fish, new vegetables, and fresh fruit (to die for). It seems I will be eating a well balanced and tasty diet while here.
There is constantly salsa, reggeaton, and other latin music playing so that makes me very happy. Oh and from my orientation hotel I can see a giant lake and volcanos not to mention palm trees. The weather is very warm during the day and muggy, but really perfect in the early morning and after 7pm or so. I am thoroughly enjoying it. getting to know the other trainees has been wonderful because we have so much in common - interests in global issues and health, public health, medicine, and even latin dancing! I feel like I really got lucky with my placement. well I don't have much time so I'll write more later. Hope all is well back home.



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