Wednesday, August 23, 2006

want to see more photos???

So I have put my photos on were far too many to put here. So if you want to see them and weren't already invited by email...just send me an email and I will send you the link and how to access have to be invited by the program, otherwise I would just put the directions here on my website.

They are super fun and tell my Nica Peace Corps tale better than words, so check them out.

My email:


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A very special message.

This is just a belated (but none-the-less heartfelt) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my soon to be brother-in law Bob....Hope it was fantastic!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Two more lovebirds

In the spirit of love and photos, here´s a couple to be admired! Congrats Rochelle and Bob on your engagement! XOXO

Donald and I

Here´s a pic of Donald, my boyfriend, and I in front of his house. Just for those of you curious about what he looks like... I will be posting more pics this weekend so keep an eye out.